The School Day
We have staggered start and end times to the school day, depending on which year group your child is in. The children also enter and leave the school building via different doors to avoid congestion. Please use the table and diagram below to identify your child's school day timings.
We also operate staggered lunchtimes to allow for less congestion in the dining hall and on the playgrounds. Lunchtimes are supervised by our Lunchtime Supervisors and Teaching Assistants.
There are break times in the morning and afternoon for Foundation Stage and Key Stage One, and morning or afternoon for Key Stage Two.
Please ensure your child is in school on time. If you arrive late, please bring your child to the main entrance, where they can be recorded on the register.
It is essential that parents telephone school to report any illness their child has that means they are absent from school.

The total time open each week (including breaks but not after-school activities is 32.5 hours.