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We have one intake each year for Foundation Stage 2 (reception) children in the September of the school year in which they turn five. Admission to the school is in accordance with the criteria laid down within our Admissions Policy. This gives priority to children living within the school’s catchment area and those with siblings already attending the school. If places are available in the required year group, other children may be admitted. Parents are notified by letter and requested to accept or refuse a place by a stated date.

A home visit is offered to all new Foundation Stage 2 starters, during the summer term prior to commencing school in the autumn, to enable them to meet their new teacher. There is also the opportunity to visit their new classroom several times before starting school.

Priory Primary School children predominately transfer to Kelvin Hall at the end of Year 6. Some children transfer to other secondary schools such as Cottingham High and Newland School for Girls.

Further details on how to apply for a school place can be found on the council’s website here.

If you are interested in applying for a place in our nursery please see the Nursery tab.

School Appeals

If we are unable to offer you a place at Priory Primary School, please contact the Admissions Department at Hull City Council, who will provide you with an appeal form. Details of how to appeal will be on your appeal form.

Your appeal will be heard within 20 school days of the closing date for appeals by an independent panel arranged locally by the Trust. If you have any queries regarding an appeal, please contact Mrs Harrison on (01482) 342229.

Our Admissions Policies and related links:

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